January/February 2021

CLERMONT-FERRAND INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL The uniquely brilliant International Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival is kicking of at the end of the month, although online this time. Again, as official partner, the team at Mydylarama is supervising the festival’s online platforms and interviewing the filmmakers of the national, international and lab competition. Read more…

September – December 2020

BBC Arabic Cinema Badila We’re preparing a series of thematic episodes and a whole season around reflections on on analyses of the “Arab Spring”. Get in touch if you want to submit a film. Mydylarama / Clermont-Ferrand FF Clermont is running! We’ve just received the links to the films and Read more…

May/June 2020

Delighted to have been asked to be part of the Critics’ Jury for the latest Emerging Filmmakers Night live-streamed film event, still available to view here. My fellow judges and I chose Crashing Waves as a short film winner of the night, and gave a Special Mention to Turning Ten. Read more…

February 2020

Clermont-Ferrand International Festival 2020 Another year partnering up with Clermont to supervise the Festival’s online platform La Brasserie du Court, coverage of the festival on UK partner Mydylarama and interviewing all the filmmakers.

February 2019

Working at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival with MyDylarama in collaboration with La Brasserie du Court and the Arfis Film School interviewing filmmakers and producing video content for the festival website and selecting our “Coups de coeur” winners. Also covering the Clermont-Ferrand festival for Cinema Badila on BBC Arabic.

May-July 2018

Working on the translation and adaptation of David Lescot’s plays J’ai Trop Peur and Master. The latter is a collaboration with the French Institute in London and Manchester Home.